K-Power® Mind-Body Series
Stress management skills for the benefit of you, your family, friends and clients.
5-Element Fundamentals & Muscle Testing Basics (for Energy Therapists)
Your Face Is Talking To Me
(Also available in the Instinctual Behaviour Series) -
Your Face Is Talking Again
(Also available in the Instinctual Behaviour Series) -
New Perceptions in Life and Living - Flower Essences
(Also available as an entry-level workshop)
K-Power® for Manual Therapists Series
Professional development workshops for manual therapists and body workers.
5-Element Fundamentals & Muscle Testing Basics (for Manual Therapists)
Pitch, Roll, Yaw and Tilt
K-Power® Personology - Instinctual Behaviour Series​
Build an understanding of why we and those around us behave as we do.
Your Face is Talking To Me
Your Face is Talking Again
Other K-Power® Workshops
More workshops for professionals and lay-persons.
Tibetan Energy and Vitality
New Perceptions in Life and Living - Flower Essences